Tuesday, October 05, 2004


Well it has been over a couple of weeks and I was waiting for Rodney Dangerfield to exit the hospital grinnin'! Very, very sorry to say the bug-eyed comedian with "no respect" did die today. He made it to 82 years.

Rodney Dangerfield fell into a coma after undergoing heart surgery. Having a valve adjustment, of sorts, and was alert but then lapsed into a coma, where he left us.

I'll miss seeing Rodney Dangerfield in that black suit and red tie. Constantly tugging on his tie, sweat glistening on his face and that bug-eyed look he would deliver after a "punch.

I heard the "I don't get no repect" line came from a joke he wrote about playing "hide & seek" and no one would look for him. He wanted something to lead into that joke and came up with "Ya know?...I don't get no respect...No respect at all."

I hate this thing called aging and what it does to people.
It has no respect.


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