Monday, February 28, 2005


Well stop the friggin' presses!! An aquaintence has enlightened my concern of why Mr. Depp appeared so somber in a photo the press decided to use from Oscar Night In Hollywood to entertain the public of his being in attendence.
Ms. Ptiza Odelay, creative writer extraodinaire, has a stunning revelation! The article is entitled "Red Carpet Gonzo". In case you read this late and the article is archived.

As you may recall, if you are a true patron of the cinema, Mr. Depp played the part of Hunter S. Thompson in the movie based on the book Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas.
If you look at his black tie in this photo you will notice a pin of some sort. Suffice it to say IT'S VERY PERSONAL! And not a mention of this has been made by the Hollywood, Entertainment, Star's Are Us Media!
Myself?...I believe this is a significant story and wished like hell I had been there to ask Mr. Depp of his thoughts at that time.
Whoever the reporter was who asked Mr. Depp where he obtained his dashing garment WITH BLACK LAPELS must have been lacking in PERCEPTIVENESS. (did I make that word up just now?) Not to follow his answer up with a question as to what the decor adorning his tie was or EVEN HOW MUCH IT COST OR WAS MADE OF was most lacking in the spirit of OSCAR NIGHT STYLE REPORTING.

I can not, by my very nature, reveal what the full story is. You must click on Ms. Odelay's Link to discover the depth and breadth of this story.

As for Chris Rock and the Show itself? I really thought it was horribly boring and not funny in the least. How I stayed awake...well I was playing my guitar through the whole thing, so that's how I stayed awake.

Mr. Scorcese? Hmmmm...What in the hell has he done to be snubbed all these years? Some epic movies, yes I can see him losing there, but three times losing to some average, and in this case a movie I won't be viewing, pictogram sends me a message. All night I waited to watch him receive this award (Figuring what the competition was this year, or lack there of) and lo and behold they shafted him again.
I'm just very glad Mr. Scorcese loves what he does and will continue directing masterful works of cinema!

Now...Hillary Swank. The way I've been hearing and reading it I was believing this was a girl who dropped out of high school, lived in a trailer park and this was her first movie let alone Oscar nomination. That's how hard this story line has been pounded around this area. I kept thinking I had heard the name before. That this couldn't be true. But, simple me, who forgot all about that movie she WON AN OSCAR FOR called "Boys Don't Cry." Another movie, alas, Swank was in I didn't even remember let alone have a desire to see it.
So I have to say when that faux, educated, upper class, not-to-sexy-but-sexy-enough voice-over of each award winner gave the stats on this winner I felt betrayed and lied to. "I'm just a girl from a trailer park" she stated. YUP...That was the build up story for these past two months. Good show, dear!

Wednesday, February 23, 2005


This is for The Woman With A Broken Heart of her 9/11 loss who said; "I kind of pretend it didn't happen," said Maureen Shay of Staten Island, who lost her son, Robert. "Something was found, I don't know what it is, I don't want to know what it is. I prefer to think of him as whole someplace."

Whatever was found is of no consequence. Robert is all about you Ms. Shay. What was found is not of use to anyone or anything. Robert is Energy who surrounds you and is with you always. Your Robert is aligned with the Mystery Of Creation and, indeed, is "whole, someplace."

Your quote made me extremely aware. My senses were finely honed to the tragedy in your life that day. The first, true, heartbreaking statement of personal reflection in the media I have read of that day.

Friday, February 11, 2005


Thank you ABC News and Peter Jenning's, always the "Revisionist Historian of America History from Canada." Mr. Jennings thought it was of utmost import to report and display video of UN workers, in their God-for-saken assignments, dirt and dust and poverty and high percentage area's for a bullet from thin air, being shown breaking those Ole squad rules of CURFEW and going to PARTY WITH, Jenning's used the term, PROSTITUTES! Better than "hookers", "skags", "street hawker's" or "slut's" I guess.
I just sat there, my mouth slightly open, in stunned amazement waiting for the BIG PUNCH to the story i.e. "This caused a devasting outbreak of the clap" or "And now the clap is coming to America because of this" or "Al Queda inserted a clap-like device due to this misconduct." But no...Mr. Jenning's was just showing and letting us all know that these UN Workers WERE NOT FOLLOWING PROCEDURE. I don't know, maybe it's me, I DIDN'T CARE. It's a tough job in a drab, dangerous area with not the best conveniences. LEAVE THESE TYPE'S OF THINGS ALONE!
(Hidden camera report, it was)

Now on the Local News Front: Yesterday I saw and heard a reporter on a local Philadelphia News TV Network report that in IRAQ a group of "MASKED MEN STORMED A MERCHANT'S SHOP AND OPENED FIRE." The reporter went on to say "THERE WAS NO MOTIVE KNOWN FOR THE VIOLENCE. THE GUNMEN WERE NOT IDENTIFIED." "Masked men?" "Motive?" Is it me or has the "Gang Of Three In D.C." spread the word to stop using the term "insurgent's" or "terrorist's" in the reporting on news from IRAQ and to use "democratic" terms ("since there's been a democratice election") like "MASKED MEN", "GUN MEN" and the like? It's no longer war. It is now felony theft.
And folks?...Next time Rice, Rumsfeld, Bush or (alas) Powell start using terms like "mushroom cloud", "threat to America", Kazillions of nuclear missles, "mobile nuclear producing labs", Bababillion tons of toxic gas about cities in the desert DON'T GET SO FREAKED OUT! I was hear for a REAL threat and, maybe it's me, but The Cuban/USSR crisis in no way made me want to hide in the cellar or start an illegal, never-in-the-history-of-The United States Of America-against-all-America-was-based-on-and-stands-for launch a Pre-Emptive war. Use your senses people. Do research. Make an informed decision based on fact not lies, assumptions and "asylum seeking folks" who will say what you want to hear.

On the "Beauty and success" of that thing being called an election last month in IRAQ: Hey! Saddam Hussien had been keeping everyone who voted under a tight rein during his term as "Leader For Life." Everyone who voted is the MAJORITY ISM in IRAQ and I believe a whole segment of the population, THE SUNNI's, DID NOT VOTE. I do believe, if I recall correctly, THE SUNNI's had a relatively more powerful position in the old days. Lord-only-knows how many other groups DID NOT VOTE or are meekly submiting to the POWER'S THAT BE.
No. I didn't see it as a "beautiful thing". One person I've read, Ptiza Odelay was castigating Saudi Arabia because women can not vote there but they can in Iraq, appearing to agree on the "sucess" of the "election". But, I believe, failed to notice NOT EVERYONE VOTED IN IRAQ. Not to mention the American Troops dying there in increasing numbers for, I believe, is developing into a "puppet government." If not that, a government which is going to be highly biased toward a large number of sect's, Ism's and folk.
It's a country of Peoples who live for a large variety of belief's they have been warring over since and prior to the days of Solomon And Sheba and Alexander The Great!

On the My Life front: I have a fifty song playlist now and have been appearing weekly in two counties. I have also written two songs, which I've received positive feedback on, that I am now working up a "stake" to record "demo's" for.
Who knows, maybe someday YOU will be writing embarassing, tell-all, critical posts about ME! hahahaha Yeah...Sure