Thursday, November 25, 2004

This Ain't Beatrice's Nutkin. This Is Authority Overkill!

Where shall I begin? How about South Carolina? Yup! That's where this asinine epic all began. Barbara and Jean Gosselin were living a happy life in South Carolina when one day Barbara Gosselin came upon a tragic scene while strolling the fields and forests of her local area. It was in the early 1990s and Ms. Gosselin came upon the tragedy in the nick of time. It appeared a young squirrel had fallen from it's perch from a weathered tree of South Carolina.
Well Ms. Gosselin, being the fine person she is, retrieved the traumatised squirrel, took it home, nursed it back to health and named it. Also keeping the lucky fella who was now named Nutkin! A fine name given to him by his gaurdian angel.
The years went by and the Gosselin's and Nutkin were living a fine and happy life together. In 1994 the Gosselin's relocated to Schuylkill County in Pennsylvania. Little did they know Pennsylvania had a law outlawing "wild animals" as pets. Life went on, though, and the sun did shine.
Then danger approached the Gosselin Household. Someone was poaching deer right at their home! Right there in Schuykill Haven the Gosselin's found a dead, bullet ridden deer on their property! They did the right, safest thing to do when they called the Authorities to investigate and nab the perpertrator of this threat to human life. This occured in 2002. Eight years after the Gosselin's had settled in the fine Schuykill County.
A Game Officer arrived at the Gosselin residence and gathered all pertinent information and was shown the dead deer laying on their land. BUT...while investigating this illegal shooting the game officer noticed NUTKIN in his abode! Well let me tell you this changed everything. The game officer charged the Gosselin's with violating the ban on keeping wild animals as pets! Yes indeed-dee! And to hell with the poacher who was shooting large, furry deer near homes and humans!
Nutkin would have to go! Ahhh...But the Gosselin's were not a pushover. They retained a barrister. One named Dirk S. Berger who took the good fight all the way to the Superior Court! Hell, he had to, didn't he?
After battling for dear Nutkin for almost 2 years (Esquire Berger stated "two weeks short of two years."),who knows how much money in salaries, costs and time taken from people shooting things, Esquire Berger and the Gosselin's won their right to keep beautiful, loveable, saved-from-a-harrowing-fate NUTKIN the squirrel! Family pet and confidant.
Judge Joseph Hurdock layed out an ELEVEN PAGE Opinion recounting Nutkin's early years. Essentially ordering that since Nutkin was brought with the family from South Carolina, where there are no laws for domesticating wild animals, Nutkin could remain a pet and ALSO ordered the Gosselin's $100.00 fine and court costs be returned!
And that's the name of that tune.
Have a Merry Christmastime!

In All My Muffled Glory

OK...Here's a sample! I know I could delete it but Hey?...It was done sitting in my livingroom into the telephone. Next time I'll put up a sound wall and stuff like that and I better damn well sound better.
I should have done "Leroy Brown"(here come the excuses) or any other of the 17 tunes on the playlist I have now accumulated. But Noooo I had to play what I loved most. It was this or "Mr. Bojangles", which I really love too but for some reason orbiting my synapsis, I chose this one.
Anyone associated with the rights who want this off just say the word. I'll have it off immediately.
OK...Go ahead. The chicken wire is up and I'm protected.

this is an audio post - click to play

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

I've Been Practicing. Here's Some Things Irking Me

  • I like Tom Hanks. What is irking me is this phenonenon of Tom Hanks; Actor extraordinaire, talent supreme, the "must interview"-we-learn-so-much-from-this special man. That's what? Yes Tom Hanks is a great actor. He's come a long way from "Big". Private Ryan and Apollo 13 were great movies. But I don't get the "in depth, serious, I've come to the mountaintop interviews.
    Each of the previous movies Tom Hanks was interviewed as if he was, one, a World War II Veteran and scholar of War. And, two, As if he was an actual Astronaut and scholar of space sciences. Now he's all over the screen as somehow being the "super talent" in an animated movie. Irks me.

  • What's happening to the citizens of the United States? A movie with puppets, "Team America", is a smash. This stinking gem has garnered $31 million dollars in 5 weeks! Even getting "A" and "B" ratings from so called critics. "Seed Of Chucky." Now there's a bloody movie deserving of a "C+" rating! More bloody puppets and being raved about! "Chucky", to date, has brought in $8 million dollars. That's ONE WEEK, Folks! Irks me.

  • Here comes a BIG ONE. I saw and heard a cabinet member of President Bush, I don't remember his name (seem to have been a lot of new faces after a certain party was re-elected.) some faces have changed, answer the question what we would do if Iran did not abort their nuclear program with this; "I guess there would have to be a regime change." That's the short version. So is this the OK we're king-O-the-world-out-in-the-open-reich-of America beginning?
    I tell ya... After hearing Bush say he's going to spread freedom and democracy around the world then hearing this guy say, as if the deed would be like
    swatting a fly, we'll make a regime change Scares The Hell Outta me! Irks me too.

  • Hey! I don't think Terrel Owens and Nicolette Whats-her-name were even in the same room when that Monday Night Football opening "clip" occurred. If you see it again look at Owens' eyes. They don't appear to be looking directly at her. I THINK, and I know ya hate it when I do that, but I think it was filmed seperately. Notice at the end, when she jumps in his arms and the two turn toward the camera, you will NOT SEE A FACE! Ahaah! in the Janet Jackson and Dale Earnhardt Jr. thing The seculartist's, Illuminati, Special Interest, what-ever ya-want -to-call-them are WAY OUTTA LINE! Irks me.

  • Finally, for now, Neale Godfrey (that's a woman by the way) who used to be a bank president and family finance expert had a quarter page in the newspaper explaining the symbols on the dollar bill. Now here it get's interesting. She gives a brief, terse history of banking (Not mentioning the Knights Templar who actually devised the beginnings of the banking system). Then she responds to some pre-fabricated questions. How do I know this? because if I asked, or anyone asked, why is there a pyramid on the dollar we would not add and why is it unfinished, now would we? Huh? WOULD WE?
    Tied to this question is "why is there an eye above the pyramid?"
    OK. Here's what Neale Godfrey said: "The unfinished pyramid represents that our country is growing and still building and is striving for perfection."
    As to the "eye" she says "It represents the watchful eye of God. Belief in the deity was important to our forefathers and is mentioned several times on our money."
    I'm not even going to get into the part where she says there's an "owl" near the "1" on the upper left side.
    Here's the facts, maam. Why in hell would they use a pyramid, which none existed in America at the time, as a symbol of growth? The pyramid is a symbol representing a convergence upward toward the ultimate source. (Uhh...see Egypt re this)
    Now the "eye". Oh man she did a 1950s number on the "eye". Ms. Godfrey doesn't mention the "eye" is in a triangle. This is called a trinacria. You'll find it on Masonic lodges all around the world. But it's not their idea. It's origins are the Illuminati. Symbolizing all-seeing. The triangle is theGreek letter Delta, The mathmatical symbol for change or transition. Put 'em together and we have New World Order.
    Vice President to Franklin D. Roosevelt, Henry Wallace pushed for the design for The Great Seal. Being an upper echelon Mason (Illuminati connected for a fact) this was Wallace's contribution to U.S. history. Franklin D. Roosevelt, being a well known Mason himself, heartily agreed to this.
    One last item, as to the God Ms. Neale mentions. Under the pyramid are the words Novus Ordo Seclorum. In english this says New Secular Order. Secular as meaning non-religious. By the way this is right next to In God We Trust.
    So Roosevelt had his "New Deal" and we're still being fed a line of lies just like when we were kids. Still being poisened with fairie tales as a song I sing by the Eagles states. That really irked me.

  • Well I'm on my way. Been practicing and have a damn good song list and sing 'em damn well too. Now I've gotta get my ass out the door and on a stage. This is difficult. Any help?
    See? That didn't irk me.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Thank You Tyler Thompson

I've been searing my brain with song lyrics and haven't been here lately. That is not good, I know. BUT; Received a "review" from a Mr. Tyler Thompson and wanted to preen about momentarily. Tyler's review is as follows:
Rated 7 on Monday, 01 November 2004
Concerning the section about elton john calling the media "rude, vile, pigs"...i see his perspective, and the medias. He really has no right to talk to other human beings that way when they are simply doing their job. sure the stress of being on the road and constantly being photographed get to him as well. But I guess that's one of the prices you have to pay for being a Musical Legend. And I disagree about his music being white space since Goodbye yellow brick road. I have enjoyed nearly all of Elton's albums since then (With the exception of leather jackets and victim of love). When i go to a concert i look foreward to hearing the classics as well as the newer songs and songs less familiar to the general elton john audience. I think he has matured and grown as an artist. Thats my take on it anyway. Thanks for your time!
Rated by Tyler Thompson
Thank you sir. I had no idea there WAS a "Leather Jackets" OR "Victim Of Love" album released by JOHN. That must have been when he was pumping albums out like Steven King wingin' those "scary" books out of Maine.